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Introduction to Manufacturing Technology II

Introduction to Manufacturing Technology II

Introduction to Manufacturing Technology II

Unit-1 Machining Parameters, Tool geometry, Cutting types and Mechanics of chip formation

Unit-1 Machining Parameters, Tool geometry, Cutting types and Mechanics of chip formation

Types of chips, Effect of material properties in formation of chips,Cutting parameters influence in chip formation,Techniques to eliminate BUE

Relation between shear angle and rake angle

Merchant analysis,Relation between the forces,Ernst and Merchant Theory

Merchant analysis,Relation between the forces,Ernst and Merchant Theory

Merchant analysis,Relation between the forces,Ernst and Merchant Theory

Merchant analysis,Relation between the forces,Ernst and Merchant Theory

Merchant analysis,Relation between the forces,Ernst and Merchant Theory

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Numerical Problems in Metal cutting

Cutting tool materials

Tool life equations and Numericals

Tool life equations and Numericals

Tool life equations and Numericals

Tool life equations and Numericals

Cutting Fluids

Tool wear & Wear mechanisms,Factors affecting Tool life, Cutting fluids Types & Applications

Unit 2 - Introduction to gear manufacturing methods & Form cutting process

Indexing Mechanisms in Gear Manufacturing

Indexing Mechanisms in Gear Manufacturing

Gear Broaching & Helical milling

Gear hobbing

Gear Shaping & Bevel gear generation

Gear Finishing

Introduction to jigs and fixtures

Jigs and Fixtures - Clamping

Jigs and Fixtures

Unit 3 Grinding - Introduction

Grinding and Introduction to Grinding Wheel Specification

Grinding Wheel Specifications

Grinding machine types

Grinding - Work holding devices; Honing

Surface treatment process-Introduction

CVD process

PVD process

HVOF process

Unit 4 Introduction to Non Traditional Machining process, AJM process

USM process

EDM process

Laser Beam Machining process


Additive Manufacturing

Unit 1 MT II Refresher session